Gin Aroma Training Kit

The Aroma Academy Products and Training Programmes have been described as the "Foundation Stone on the journey to expertise in Wines and Spirits for both people in the business and for enthusiasts.  They provide the practical Aroma Recognition Skills which are the missing link in - and which are complementary to - the training and educational programmes that exist in the Wines & Spirits field.  Following the systematic Aroma Academy methodology is engaging and fun, you truly can Learn to Nose like a Professional!" The company was founded, and is based, in Scotland, and the Science behind the Aroma Kits and associated Training Programmes are thanks to the world leading Aroma Scientist and globally recognised expert on the Sense of Smell, Dr George Dodd.  George is a co-founder of the company together with Alan Gordon. The gin Aroma tasting kit contains the aromas of 24 botanicals that are found in gin so that you can learn to identify them and through this understand the aroma profiles of the gins you drink.  The samples will last well over 3 years.
Original price was: £95.00.Current price is: £50.00.Add to Cart

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